- Conversation started Wednesday
- James Driskill
Mr Russell McClure (720) 778-6795: You have placed your into an extreme case of jeopardy of compounded community disclosures of your hate based evil perversion of time of other persons today. The Information Theory that is referenced in the publication where by matching Facebook pseudonym matching reference of me, [ In The Mindway }, the actual community member you targeted and initiated false intention statements of holding my time, my energy, and my space upon your false stated intention(s) when you initiated a conversation channel exchange [ which just so happens to currently be in full call record automated monitoring ] to 720-295-8286.due to ongoing and pervasive and vigorously action-ed harassment being long stand time period received into my life. Too too much my people dear snagged you into a binding throw out of a virtual [ digital represented equivalent ] of a lasso looped rope throw and you now bound to it seriously as the same calling of the Adinkra symbol [ mpatapo ] - and you will not for any possible legally pursuit of a reason be released from this binding by your silence of your action. Since what is publiclly disclosed tere is the absolute @RealUpHuman truth of record, this entitles for public awareness, Thy Reprimands Available.upon you Sir. At this point your apologies for your folly of thoughts and actions are required of you in person face to face to the individual person [ this case me ].. Further beyond appology, you must explain yourself upon me and swear and pledge your statements of renewal understanding of repaired intentions to never ever engage in such action and actives of maliciousness onto another person's or persons' liives ever.. Only until this demand is fully completed will the cyber domain binding of mpatapo and reprimands be released and deleted. Your delay here to respond will be compounded when Google search engines hit the page by standard scanning order queue. Once that occurs, it will take that much longer to have information purged from the public noosohere. I advise you act QUICKLY on THIS FIRST AND ONLY NOTIFICATION DISCOURSE. Thank you OhKindSir [ Ref: @Wikiworld.com ] for reading and paying attention. [ Information Theory - Page 544 : https://books.google.com/books?id=3P8poWAeHisC&pg=PA544&dq=%22in+the+mindway%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3hpOG3LTLAhUL22MKHY_UCtkQ6AEIKDAC ]
- James Driskill
[ end ]
- 3/9, 6:16pmJames Driskill
[ The Presentation ] :
A graphic image of guidance ideals in wall posting word signage format - in wider than taller dis[lay orientation - with very artistic black swirled border design. Appearing above the border top page center position is the African Adinkra Symbol [ Ohene Aniwa : King's Eye ] which binds to the top of this presentation of guidance words the meanings of [ Beauty, Vigilance ]. Further there are present three Adinkra symbols bonded below the bordered portion of the page where the positions are jusitied left, center and right.
The symbol name left is the the Solomon's knot type [ Kramo Bone ] holding the meanings of [ One bad makes all look bad. ; The bad make it difficult for the good to be noticed.] and further has what is referred to as an actionable cause to any offended or oblivion stated intentions is indicated as [ Warning Against Deception and Hypocrisy].
- 3/9, 6:45pmJames Driskill
If you find the use of the African Adinkra set of symbols abstract and/or devalued to holding no community or social order foundation of virtue purpose, please link to the African Studies department web page presented by Rutgers University in the state of New Jersey [ Historical references of confluences later ] at:
[ http://africanastudies.rutgers.edu/ ]. : There are appearing present on this page 11 separate identifiable as Adinkfa symbols. The University accreditation for social order and societal insight is indeed inclusive for all symbols of Adinkra as it applies wholeheartedly upon the NOW POSTED HERE in this chat conversation and NOW ACCREDITED words of guidance titled:
[ Quality over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas ]
- 3/9, 7:05pmJames Driskill
The two additional Adinkra symbols bonded at the below border center and right justified are the center [ Dwannimmen: Ram's Horn ] holding the meaning of [ Concealment, Humility and Strength, Wisdom and Learning ] and has an associated proverb relating to bullying as [ It is the heart and not the horns that leads a ram to bully. ] The symbol right [ Mpatapo ] has already been disclosed and discused upon you in the first matter of topic delivered into your knowing world. The meaning of this right symbol is [ Knot of Reconciliation : Reconciliation, Peacemaking ] which can be understood as an metaphoric invisible force by means of a collective community consciousness to ts application of force [ represents the bond or knot that binds the separate parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife." ].
- 3/9, 8:04pmJames Driskill
All of which has been so far presented as applied bonded meanings to this words of guidance posting sign must be held into alignment and allegiance to the words within the bordered area which is professed to pressingly generate constructive not destructive thoughts of directive energy for the creative work or play activity when there is predominance among the sharing participants of either / or
(1) depressive inactivity of boredom silence, (2) fear of the unknown reactions or judgements from others when attempting when speaking or expressive actions are offered into consensus consideration, (3) obviously to out mask [ reveal to all present ] when someone is present in sharing time space whose influence or even perhaps to the level of manipulation is suspect to be uniformly selfish which ultimately is unwise to the continued beneficial existence of collective fun time / productive time relations.
The goal side of these words draws on peaceful coexistence if all follow and/or lead by this example..
If beggars vs. thieves are choosy they may eat less frequently but will be much much appreciatively gracious galore for the healthier more delicious nutritious morsels are always CONSTRUCTED by that desire . This is way more wiser of a path to follow over the gluttonous portraits of those whose unconditional oblivion of bad deed by deed must and always will find its imbalance too much weighty a burden to a full collapse .
In the vision of what is now the pieces of oblivuons and destruction becomes obvious and viable to all in that revelation.
Always the analysis conclusion will be, stupidity and ignorance reigned or bullied its way unruly of challenge.
In of what was built was a structure no more stronger than a house built of cards.
- 3/9, 8:09pmJames Driskill
Now the presentation of the words of professed challenge of the change pf standard notions -- this is truly a peaceful pledge of guidance to follow.
Quality Over Quantity:
A stated "Intention" says you are going to follow through into a motion."Following through" into a motion says there Is a recognition In the change of your mind from intention thus brings a new action.
The rules Here:
[1] All are equal here. [2] If you are stuck at intention at any time to follovi through into action and motion, Please restate that intention is not true. Do not waste the time of others in this space waiting and reading you..
They must see, or recognize, your intentions are moving to action. Others may state you're not following through at anytime it is apparent.
But for sure when you know there will never be an action from your stated intention(s). please leave at the time when either you know you do not belong here in this space or you're hidden agenda(s) are called out upon you. That is peaceful and respectful.
Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated Intentions. It may be silent to you, but it is not a peaceful way of being with others. Do not return here until you can be honest and free flowing with no hidden agendas. Thank you.
============= [ borderline ]===========
@Gruwup Great Reasons Us [ You, I, and All here ] Will Unite Peace
- 3/9, 8:12pm
- Thursday
- James Driskill
you are way way way out of your league: :
- James Driskill
I have cross over this story onto the User Chat Mark Zuckerberg -- So don't say I have tried to interface the reality truth and logics with you .. You remain there SILENT - you are EVIL! As ONE BAD makes ALL LOOK BAD -- your entire timeline has been placed onto the Kramobone meaning directly by meme naming folder structures onto GRUWUP. I could make you all @fuckeduphuman.net --- AS WELL --- both are a linage of elements possible. Biut g FUCK OFF if you cannot see that -- you have CAUSED GREATS HARMS into my uinverse -- for I know basically this is the story I tell true -- from my point of view of over weeks and over months of harrassments harrassmentss and hjarrassments --- all documented and present here..... ARE YOU LISTENING to heart that you have done the wrong thing here? Shall we play the game of doing always the right thing and never ever the wrong thing? [ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/why-is-the-clear-sky-blue-inthemindway-feb202005 ]
- James Driskill
But that would require you to have a heart --- do you ? and if so --- where is it showing? it is BLEEDING OUT AN EMOTIONAL CRY like mine was and still is again today ? [ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992]
- James Driskill
You have no clue to the hurt that you instill by creating at path into a life of another with stated intentions that are false --- and really go to oblivion. -- if you don't agree -- you see with the heart and soul of a blind man on his way to hell.
- James Driskill
[ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/ohkindsirwikiworld ] : I wrote this May 20th 2006 -- hey hey hey hey --- that is almost coming up 10 years ago. 10 years this is 10 years ago! Here is the TEXT VERSION of it --- just so you can follow --- [ http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/OhKindSir ]
- James Driskill
Do you want to discuss or debate our common understanding of reality..... We can meet here to talk about any of it human to human:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality I think our language is common... but even that is not even an issue... for we can inter-twine the automated tools of language translation... SO THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO TRY TO TALK WITH EACH OTHER!! OR SPEAK OUT WHAT IS WRONG ABOUT THE WORLD! ANYWAY : NOT TRYING -- DEFENDS "THE LOVE OF EASE" THAT WAS SPOKEN OF LONG TIME AGO... DID WE LOSE THAT MESSAGE SOMEHOW? "There is discrimination in this world, & slavery, & slaughter, & starvation." The answer is to rely on youth, not a time of life, but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure, over the love of ease. 1966 SO AGAIN I TRY, AND TRY TRY AGAIN I MUST!
- James Driskill
I am like no one other person that you have ever met, I for sure know that is true.
A reference to what purpose I am working here in all of this:
The Evolution of Human Culture: Some Notes Prepared for the National Humanities Center,Version 2,[3]
[excerpt introduction]
Individual performances are the objects of cultural selection. Performances, in this sense, are the brain events that mediate cultural processes. Individuals and groups endeavor to repeat performances they like, but not performances they don’t like. The “genetic” elements of cultural processes are those properties of cultural objects and events which allow individuals to share in those objects and events. In music, for example, so-called Rhythm Changes is an example of a complex of such memetically active properties. Note, however, that word meanings cannot, in principle, be memetically active, as they are not “inscribed” in the physical substance of linguistic communication - whether by speech, gestures, or writing. Linguistic meanings are negotiated through interaction.
So I am not all that crazy with my philosophy here, now am I? I have downloaded the paper, I think that will be my next full and complete reading.
So I begin to put these pieces together of this evening for you.
This is basically written as is. I have only had to correct some formatting and color changes here.
Ref: Green Triangle and Nazi Germany[4]
- Thursday
- James Driskill
I have posted this on Google+ What hell is wrong with you?
- James Driskill
Temple Site
The site for the Fort Collins Colorado Temple has been officially announced as land at the southeast corner of Trilby Road and Timberline Road in Fort Collins, across the street from an existing meetinghouse. "We appreciate the many people from Fort Collins who have worked with us during the site selection process," said *** ***, president of the Fort Collins Colorado Stake. "We feel this new temple will be a great asset not only to members of the Church in Colorado and the region but also to the people of Fort Collins, who will benefit from the peace and beauty a temple brings."
cc** ss* = Name omitted here Lets Put a name on on it for a transcript below : Brian Smith
Opinion ti community: Would this person be calling you saying they work for Comcast --- and however it may he got my number... he called me up as those this is a respectful flow of a conversation at all:
--- Brian Smith initiates a call to me with my # that is presented on the "branding page" here on this group.
Ring Ring
True Caller Reports caller name as : cc** ss*
I answer
The phone hangs u[.
Alright i wait a few seconds to determine if he is calling back. No
So if I remenber cirrectky, I caledl the number back.
Ring Ring = no answer -- went to voice mail
I leave a message, something similar [ the phone fucked up this one individual recording on record ] " This is James and you just called me. I tried to answer but iit hung up. call me back. The name on the voice mail box matchs the name cc** ss*
a few minutes later
Ring Ring -- Again i try to answer
the call cut out before I could get a response.
So this this i immediately called back realizing we are playing phone tag.
When the guy answered
Brian Smith says a single word
"Address?" - I was not even sure what he said.
What I replied?
and the call progress from there.
Omg -- I am on a collective group's hate harassment list.
I know it - I know - in order for me not to go crazy over time,
I have no other CHOICE but to PURSUE LEGAL CIVIL and/or CRIMINAL
COMPLAINTS against this gyy I have no other choice.
I guess I should log all such actibvties into this cyber-version of the room --- why the hell not --- names and numbers ok -- GOOD BYE you all are fucking hasssing me --- GOODBYE on that call -- but every call will be logged here if you place a call and state your intentions to come to this space and then do not follow up to visit and do not release that stated intention to the world . As there is a guidance posting policy here -
It wil apply each and every time. I have no other choice but to CALL OUT EVERY SINGLE INCIDENT of this --
My hand is being FORCED by the OBVIOUS -- I am on a group collectives harasser this guy's list.
OMG --such hate and evil working at that level wow.
I am having PANIC ATTACKS here thinking they stole my car on the incident on January 15th.
Like OMG -- God Forbid Them From Such Evil Working Activity - Please.
- Today
- James Driskill
I am not going to just drop this issue -- you know that by this point ---- now right? --- what is wrong with you? --- there is nothing that I am not trying to attempt to empower in this community that is UNJUST to all things considered. You are ABSOLUTELY out of LINE and out of MORALITY with your own senses of TRUISMS : And as I have placed an entire conversation to Mark Zuckerberg here on Facebook at : [ http://gruwup.net/%5bWebDomains%5d/facebook.com/faceboom%20msg%20to%20-%20Mark%20Zuckerberg%20-%20Messages.htm ] -- you people who so stand on hate platitudes that then drive you do perform a harassment campaign upon another Ciritizen of the United States in whatever form you want to call also a community member miles and miles away --- even out of state as is the case with Everett Jasper who hits me again this cycle. Go ask her what she said to me way back then and then for her to be pressed to contact me again this month. When she said [ Sorry never again Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 3:56 AM ]. They are pawns entangled in a big huge conspiracy. I have all of the details of this conspiracy ... where should exactly I place this online? read to the entire of my conversation Facebook messages to Mark Zuckerberg -- for this is my next step. But before you do that.... There is nothing I am ashamed of in anything I have attempted to empower this community with --- that I indeed am afraid to place to my Mother of all people. SHAME ON YOU... and listen to her voice directly for yourself in regards to this MENTAL ATTACK -- PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE that you keep returning to your hidden agendas while my agendas are full out loud blasted across the public memespaces in @gruwup space --- among others. Shameful you are--- Evil you are. I am reporting your activities to the FBI.
- James Driskill
Voice Conversation With My Mother on Thursday Evening --- Part 1 of 2 [ 44mins ] : URL already given to Mark Zuckerberg --- http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/Veronica.Ann.Warnick%20Driskill/Mama%20-%20Fire%20Dancer_2016-03-10_21-34-34.mp3
- James Driskill
Part 2 of 2 --- another 44 or so minutes --- http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/Veronica.Ann.Warnick%20Driskill/Mama%20-%20Fire%20Dancer_2016-03-10_22-23-11.mp3